Thus, by implementing organisational governance Spain streamline the process of recruiting, training, structuring and informing the Board of Directors and governing committees running the health care sector. It can assist you in  integrating the long term strategic plan of the organisation into corporate vision, mission and culture. The overall legal structure of the health care unit will be restructured.

Organisational Governance:

The main intention of implementing such a Patient oriented Care performance system is to make available an atmosphere to create, implement and maintain care coordination practice that results the best patient outcome. It also gives you the standard measure to design, implement, plan and maintain quality initiatives and measurement activities regarding patient care.

Patient oriented Care performance:

to establish a patient-centred care system a medical practice should maintain effective patient flow and establishing appropriate quality benchmarks. They should set standards of care so that a uniformity can be maintained over the whole organisation. Thus, there are a number of key factors that should be considered while thinking to establish an ideal Patient-Centred medical approach.

Primarily you should consider an efficient practice design, which should be a perfect blend of enhanced workflow and the wise use of technology in the field of medicine in Spain . The process should be designed in such a way that it should reduce the overhead expenditure and the staffing costs. If the overhead cost of the organisation can be reduced, then the medical practitioner need not require seeing more patients to cover their costs, hence they can spend more time with their patients without getting the devastating consequences of productivity fatigue.

Secondly, a perfect medical practice in Spain needs all the aspect of the practice designed with accordance with the need and requirements of the Patients. The main objective should be developing a good doctor-patient relationship. Tangential access always creates a mess. So the practices should be patient oriented keeping in view their ease and comfort is the most significant component. Thus the system includes practices of same-day appointments as well as making the health providers readily available to the required patients by e-mail and phone.