Travelling from one place to another needs a lot of things to be taken care of. It includes several issues regarding the location where you are going. So try to minimise your problem a bit little by considering the probable causes of issue from an early date. So the best way to do so is to make a checklist that and ensure to cover all your bases.

While making the checklist you should consider the first things first.  Give some quality time, sit down quietly and prepare the list of the things.


The first and foremost thing is an accommodation in Spain. You should plan to buy a property in Spain before 12 months before moving day. This is the perfect time to buy a property there as property prices there are at low.

Spanish Schooling:

If you have small children with you then definitely you need a school. It is better to plan for proper schooling facility 12 months before moving day. There may be a language issue among the children while shifted to a Spanish school.


Keep in mind that Spain is a foreign country and the local language they used there is Spanish. Though there are expat communities in many places, however, knowing the local language will help you a lot.


If you are having a pet with you then please make yourself update with the regulation of Pet Passports. Without a Pet Passports you cannot get your pet inside the country.


Get the education about the road rules of the country 6 months before moving day. Spain follows a right hand car driving policy.

Apart from all these things you should also consider certain more aspect like Removals, which includes some of the belongings that you want to move with you. You should also be careful about your finances.