People in Spain greatly depend upon use of gas stoves for their daily requirement of heating water and cooking. Even, in the colder months, the resident and visitors reliance on Butane gas. Unlike in the UK, where people depend on mains gas supply, here mains gas supply things are a little bit different. In Spain you can find plenty of suppliers throughout the country in petrol stations, which can provide you the Gas bottles.

Yes, it is significant to use certain guidelines to know about purchasing and using your gas Canisters. While buying or replenishing your supply always consider the rules and regulations relating to the matter. The below are some of the tips for your help.

At first you need a contract for a gas bottle. That means you are required to obtain a contract of your gas supply agent or gas provider. The task is simple, however, need some legal documents like:

  • Identity document’s photocopy and required proofs.
  • Habitation or residential certificate
  • An original gas installation certificate
  • If required, a heating installation certificate.

All you need to do is to submit the duplicate copy of the aforesaid required documents to your local gas provider service. Then a technician will come to your home to verify the permanent gas fittings of your home, which usually costs not more than around €20.

There are certain benefits of having a Gas Contract. You do not need to show them the contract every time at the time of gas delivery. Only giving back the empty bottle is enough. The core benefit of having a gas contract can be available if you have a fixed residence address. You can take the delivery of gas at the correct time with no extra charges. However, people living in village areas may struggle for the timely gas delivery.